The management system audit process is an unbiased and professional job that helps clients obtain system certifications. The certification body or auditor is an independent body that delivers the above-mentioned service. The role of the consultant is to assist customers in implementing best practices according to standard requirements.
The prime objective of the consultant is not to prepare the client for the audit, but to help the client implement best practices and audit their business for greater benefit. Becoming certified could be a strategic marketing objective. Best of all, the consultant can implement a system that works well for the organization without a certificate. But certification is the system that convinces you of the quality of your products/services or processes.
When the consultant performs both tasks, the audit process is simply a report submitted to obtain a certificate. The value of the actual system implementation will not satisfy the customer/business.
When senior management decides to implement a management system, there are 3 key considerations.
1. The expertise of the consultant.
2. The reputation of the certification body.
3. The body which accredits the management system.
When all three are aligned, the investment becomes a profitable unit for a business.
A friendly and professional relationship with customers and the certification body, helps three parties to achieve the end goal. In Sri Lanka’s current context, we support new start-ups especially for exporters to conquer the international market. Advice will be given based on the most critical business issue of clients by dealing with their information very confidentially. Maintaining a professional relationship with the client and the certification body is an art that only experienced and professional consultants are able to manage.
As consultants, we have a duty to provide a valuable service and to guide them to get the best return on their investment. We continue to uphold our high standards in the same way.